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Autor/inZerby, Marilyn C.
TitelThe Use of Children's Library Services by Child Care Givers in the Norweld Service Area.
Quelle(1992), (57 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Child Caregivers; Childrens Libraries; Childrens Literature; Day Care; Library Services; Library Surveys; Outreach Programs; Parent Participation; Preschool Education; Public Libraries; Questionnaires; Story Telling; Tables (Data); Use Studies; User Needs (Information); Young Children; Ohio
AbstractThis paper reports on a survey of day-care agencies to determine their need for library services. The survey was designed to determine: (1) which library services are being used by child care givers; (2) which services are not being used and may have the potential for promotion; (3) whether story time is provided regularly by care givers and what resources are used; (4) which services care givers would like to have; (5) whether care givers feel the need for training in story time techniques, book selection, and children's literature; and (6) whether day-care agencies are interested in working with libraries to provide parent programs. A survey questionnaire was sent to a random sample of 100 day-care agencies in the 19-county area served by the regional library agency NORWELD (Northwest Library District). Half of the libraries responded to the 31-item questionnaire. Eight statistical tables are used to present the results. The data indicate that child caregivers do use library services, especially books. Moverover, 90% of the respondents indicated an interest in training in the area of storytelling techniques, puppetry, and children's literature. The findings also revealed gaps in the knowledge of the caregivers that pointed to the existence of a potential for broadening and increasing the use of various library services. A copy of the questionnaire and a list of topics in which day-care staff would like training are appended. (Contains 28 references.) (KRN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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