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Autor/inn/enSanchez, Saadia; und weitere
TitelPublic Library Services for Latino Young Adults.
Quelle(1989), (75 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Hispanic Americans; Library Services; Needs Assessment; Public Libraries; Questionnaires; Tables (Data); Use Studies; User Needs (Information); Users (Information); Youth
AbstractThis report examines the current state of library services for Hispanic young adults and recommends a program for greatly expanding these services at the Latin American Branch of the Oakland Public Library. The study was conducted through an extensive reading of the literature on the topic, interviews with key individuals, and surveys. The first of eight sections of the report is an executive summary of the study. The second section provides background information on the Oakland Public Library's Latin American Branch and its services, as well as on the implications of growing ethnic and racial diversity for libraries. The third section reviews the literature on the demographics of Hispanics and Hispanic youths, barriers to library use by these groups, and existing library programs aimed at serving the Hispanic population. The results of a survey of the information needs of young adults in the Fruitvale district of Oakland are presented in the fourth section, while the fifth presents recommendations and suggestions for their implementation, including a list of goals and objectives, a budget, and a timeline. Sections six through eight contain the information needs assessment questionnaire and data tables, a list of the persons interviewed, and a 39-item bibliography. (MES)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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