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Erweiterte Literatursuche

Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Sonst. PersonenTurner, Susan (Hrsg.)
InstitutionInternational Council for Adult Education, Toronto (Ontario).
TitelThe Literacy Issue: Feminist Perspectives on Reading and Writing.
Quelle4 (1990) 1, (45 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Educational Objectives; Feminism; Foreign Countries; Instructional Materials; Literacy Education; Networks; Program Descriptions; Resource Centers; Womens Education; Workshops
AbstractA special issue of a journal devoted to women's literacy education contains the following articles: "Literacy: A Tool for Empowerment of Women?" (Agneta Lind); "Khulumani Makhosikazi: Women and Literacy...Some South African Women Speak" (Dawn Norton, Carola Steinberg); "Tomorrow Will Be Different: A Literacy Course for Women--An Experience from Santiago, Chile" (excerpted from a book by Peggy Moran and Monica Hingston); "Keeping the Circle Strong: Native Women's Resource Centre, Toronto, Canada" (a group interview); "On the Training of Tutors for Women's Literacy: A Woman's Experience with Women in Greece" (Danae Vaikoosi); "Expanding the 'Generative Word' Process: Women's Iron Will, Haiti" (Beate Schmidt); "Publishing Women's Stories: Parkdale Project Read, Toronto, Canada" (Janet Ryan and others); "Developing Reading and Writing Skills: SISTREN's Research Workshop" (Honor Ford-Smith); "A Literacy Kit for Peasant Women in Mexico" (Leonor Aide Concha, Maria del Carmen Montes, Sylvia Van Dyck); "1990 International Literacy Year: Agenda, Comments, Challenges"; "Five Challenges to Women's Literacy"; "Deepening the Issues and Objectives of ILY" (Judith Marshall); and "Sobering Thoughts: Literacy for What? Strategies with Women in Mind" (Lalita Ramdas). Also included is a "letters" section containing program descriptions, ideas, and network-building information from various parts of the world, and a section announcing and reviewing resources. (MSE) (Adjunct ERIC Clearinghouse on Literacy Education)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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