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Autor/inPeruniak, Geoff
InstitutionAthabasca Univ., Edmonton (Alberta).
TitelSeminars as an Instructional Strategy in Distance Education. REDEAL Research Report #6. Project REDEAL. Research and Evaluation of Distance Education for the Adult Learner.
Quelle(1980), (69 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Attendance; Distance Education; Educational Research; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Seminars; Student Participation; Teaching Methods; Canada
AbstractA study examined how periodic seminars might contribute to solving the basic problem of covering knowledge and skills in a given area of study for adult learners in a distance education setting. Participants were enrolled in one of two introductory courses: Psychology 206 and Administration 232. Three seminars per course were offered in conjunction with, and as an optional supplement to, the regular home-based course package. Preliminary data indicated that those learners who attended seminars tended to do better in terms of course-related performance on a number of dimensions than those who did not attend seminars. Results were strictly correlational and it was not possible to determine whether seminars attracted higher performance learners or whether seminars contributed to higher performance. Very little support was found for the contention that "isolated" learners in the open higher education context would attend seminars on any pretext for socially related reasons. Results did indicate that if seminars can be made relevant and course-specific, up to one-third of those invited might attend. (Author/YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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