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Autor/inn/enEllis, Arthur K.; Denton, David W.
TitelTeaching, Learning, and Assessment Together: Reflective Assessments for Middle and High School Mathematics and Science
Quelle(2010), (141 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Middle School Teachers; Secondary School Teachers; Mathematics Instruction; Science Instruction; Protocol Analysis; Classroom Techniques; Reflective Teaching; Teaching Methods; Educational Strategies; Reflection; Evaluation Methods; Educational Assessment; Class Activities; Parent Participation; Recordkeeping; Questioning Techniques
AbstractThis book offers easy-to-use classroom strategies for middle and high school Mathematics and Science classrooms. They demonstrate how teaching, learning, and assessment are inseparable and seamless. Each strategy will engage your students in activity and reflection, consuming little class time, costing nothing, and uniting the three dimensions of education through reflective practice. The chapters begin with a reflective teaching strategy, followed by classroom examples. Guiding icons will help you coordinate and implement each strategy. Chapters conclude with a set of learning community discussion questions to guide personal growth as well as faculty discussions. Strategies included in this book are: (1) I Learned; (2) Think Aloud; (3) The Week in Review; (4) Post It Up; (5) Jigsaw; (6) Key Idea Identification; (7) Authentic Applications; (8) Parents on Board; (9) Search for Meaning; (10) I Can Teach; (11) Write It Down; (12) Learning Illustrated; (13) Clear and Unclear Windows; (14) Letting Questions Percolate; (15) Record Keeping; and (16) Pyramid Discussion. This book also contains: Preface; Guiding Icons Defined; Epilogue; and References and Suggested Readings. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenEye on Education. 6 Depot Way West Suite 106, Larchmont, NY 10538. Tel: 888-299-5350; Fax: 914-833-0761; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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