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Autor/inn/enWhite, Bradford R.; Colaninno, Carol E.; Doll, Mimi; Lewandowski, Holly
InstitutionSouthern Illinois University, Illinois Education Research Council
TitelIllinois' Early Childhood Innovation Zones: A New Model for State Policy? IERC 2017-1. Research Highlights
Quelle(2017), (2 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterState Policy; Educational Policy; Early Childhood Education; Educational Innovation; Grants; At Risk Students; Mixed Methods Research; Cooperative Planning; Interviews; Documentation; Surveys; Capacity Building; Technical Assistance; Problem Solving; Decision Making; Barriers; Enrollment; Access to Education; Alignment (Education); Screening Tests; Outreach Programs; Partnerships in Education; Educational Quality; Incentives; Communities of Practice; Faculty Development; Program Effectiveness; Illinois
AbstractThe Early Childhood Innovation Zones initiative was established by Illinois Action for Children (IAFC), with guidance from the Illinois Governor's Office for Early Childhood Development. Funded by a Race to the Top--Early Learning Challenge grant, this initiative supported capacity building efforts for organizations working with young children in 11 underserved communities, or Innovation Zones (IZs), across Illinois. This study used a mixed methods approach to describe the strategies utilized by the IZs to improve enrollment and quality and evaluate the progress of capacity building efforts made by IAFC. Research highlights are provided in this report. [For the full report, "Illinois' Early Childhood Innovation Zones: A New Model for State Policy? IERC 2017-1," see ED574338. For the executive summary, "Illinois' Early Childhood Innovation Zones: A New Model for State Policy? IERC 2017-1. Executive Summary," see ED574336.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenIllinois Education Research Council. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Campus Box 1064, Edwardsville, IL 62026. Tel: 866-799-4372; Tel: 618-650-2840; Fax: 618-650-2425; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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