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Autor/inBrine, Jacky
TitelThe ESF and New Technology Training for Unemployed Women.
Quelle(1994), (39 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccess to Education; Adult Education; Case Studies; Developed Nations; Educational Policy; Equal Education; Females; Foreign Countries; Job Training; Labor Market; Nontraditional Occupations; Occupational Segregation; Sex Discrimination; Sex Fairness; Technological Advancement; Unemployment; Vocational Education; Womens Education; Womens Studies
AbstractThe European Social Fund's (ESF's) emphasis on new technology training increased throughout the 1980s, but in the 1990s this emphasis disappears from policies toward "socially excluded" groups, including long-term unemployed women. Women are segregated into certain occupations and then further segregated by a hierarchical division that consistently favors men and is reflected in the gendered pay differentials. Furthermore, women are far less likely than men to be employed full time, but are more likely to be in temporary or part-time employment: lower paid and less secure. The importance of this gendered hierarchical and occupational segregation is that women have been restricted to the "low-skilled," low-paid, periphery occupations, with little authority or control. Linked to this concept of gendering is that of re-gendering. This continual process of gendering is related directly to changes within the processes of production and maintains the gendered power differential. New technology is also being "gendered." A research project that followed the general principles of "grounded theory" has shown that new technology training is no longer stressed in the European Union (EU) Priority Guidelines. This change has occurred at the same time as numerous EU Reports have consistently stressed the importance of new technology, especially for vulnerable groups, including women. The targeted working-class women are having the occupational key to the future effectively denied them. (Contains 60 references.) (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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