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Autor/inTaylor, Ronald L.
TitelAssessment of Exceptional Students: Educational and Psychological Procedures. Fourth Edition.
Quelle(1997), (581 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Achievement Tests; Adaptive Behavior (of Disabled); Alternative Assessment; Aptitude Tests; Case Studies; Criterion Referenced Tests; Curriculum Based Assessment; Disabilities; Educational Assessment; Elementary Secondary Education; Evaluation Methods; Individualized Education Programs; Intelligence Tests; Mathematics Achievement; Measurement Techniques; Oral Language; Performance Based Assessment; Portfolio Assessment; Preschool Education; Reading Ability; Student Evaluation; Testing Problems; Vocational Evaluation; Writing Ability
AbstractThis book provides comprehensive information on the assessment of children with disabilities. It describes formal and informal procedures for assessing student abilities and achievement, and assessment considerations for special populations. The text is divided into six major parts. Part 1, "Introduction to Assessment: Issues and Concerns," includes information on historical, philosophical and legal considerations, proposes an assessment model, and discusses factors affecting test results. Part 2, "Informal Procedures: Basic Tools for Teachers," describes observational assessment, criterion-referenced testing and error analysis, curriculum-based assessment, and portfolio assessment and other alternative procedures. Part 3, "Assessment of Abilities," discusses assessment of intelligence, assessment of adaptive behavior, assessment of behavior and emotional status, and assessment of oral language. Part 4, "Assessment of Achievement," addresses assessment of general achievement, assessment of reading, assessment of mathematics, and assessment of written expression. Part 5, "Special Assessment Considerations," includes a description of assessment procedures and instruments relevant for early childhood and older students with vocational/transitional needs. The book concludes with two case studies in which the assessment process is followed from initial identification through the development of an Individualized Education Program. (Contains over 1,100 references.) (CR)
AnmerkungenAllyn and Bacon, 160 Gould Street, Needham Heights, MA 02194; World Wide Web:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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