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Autor/inn/enWalstad, William B.; Soper, John C.
TitelMeasuring Economic Attitudes in High School.
Quelle(1981), (22 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAffective Measures; Attitude Measures; Economics; Economics Education; Educational Assessment; High School Students; High Schools; Knowledge Level; School Surveys; Social Studies; Student Attitudes
AbstractThis paper discusses a survey undertaken to assess the attitudes of over 2,000 high school students towards economic issues and economics courses. The premise of the survey was that more studies evaluating economics instruction at the high school level overemphasize achievement and knowledge outcomes and fail to measure attitude outcomes. The instrument devised to measure economics-related student attitudes was the Survey on Economic Attitudes (SEA). The paper is divided into three major sections. In Section I, information is presented on development of the SEA measurement instrument. Topics discussed include problems of devising measurement instruments for high school students, steps taken to insure that the measurement instrument would possess content validity, and selection of the 14 final items for the attitude measure with regard to nine broad topics--government regulation, taxation, welfare, inflation, unemployment, incentives, power-concentration, foreign trade, and economic growth. Section II focuses on several validity and reliability studies which were based on the SEA and conducted during 1979. The final section discusses advantages of the SEA instrument. Advantages include that it can be administered conveniently in whole or in part within a 10 to 15 minute time frame, can be easily read and understood by high school students, and is valid for economic attitude sophistication as well as attitudes towards economics as a subject. The document concludes with an appendix containing an outline of the instrument development process and a copy of the measurement instrument. (DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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