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Autor/inRivlin, Harry N.
InstitutionStudy Commission on Undergraduate Education and the Education of Teachers, Lincoln, NE.
TitelA Case Study in Changing the Governance of a Teacher Education Program.
Quelle, (8 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrative Organization; Governance; Schools of Education; Teacher Education; Teacher Educator Education; Universities
AbstractThis document is a case study of the way in which the Fordham University School of Education developed its governance procedures and of the effect that external intervention, in this instance the TTT (Trainers of Teacher Trainers) project, had on the process. The situation before TTT is described as having an emphasis on training teachers for the inner city: monthly faculty meetings were held at which all faculty members and all graduate student representatives were entitled to vote. It is stated that the coming of the TTT project to the university necessitated defining boundaries of authority: the TTT Policy Committee only controlled TTT activities; Fordham controlled Fordham; fellowships and scholarships were decided jointly by the TTT Policy Committee and Fordham, in that members of the Policy Committee served on the Admission Committee. Soon, it is reported, TTT fellows found themselves in the mainstream of university governance. (JA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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