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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Sonst. PersonenCraig, Judy A. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionNational Library of Education (ED/OERI), Washington, DC.
TitelAdvances in Education Research, Fall 1998.
[Report No.: NLE-1999-2010
Quelle3 (1998), (142 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCitizenship Education; College Faculty; College Students; Community Services; Educational Research; Higher Education; Outcomes of Education; Program Development; Program Effectiveness; Program Evaluation; Service Learning; Student Attitudes; Student Development; Student Participation; Student Volunteers; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Motivation; Teaching Methods
AbstractThis report provides peer-reviewed, scholarly research supported in whole or in part by the Office of Educational Research and Improvement through its educational research and development programs. It includes 13 previously published articles from selected refereed journals identifying the best research on community service learning. Section 1, "Philosophy and History of Service Learning," includes (1) "Service Learning: An Introduction to Its Theory, Practice, and Effects" (Richard J. Kraft). Section 2, "National/State Trends," includes (2) "Institutional Support for Service-Learning" (Robert C. Serow, Diana C. Calleson, and Lani Parker). Section 3, "Institutional Trends and Issues," includes (3) "Implementing Service Learning in Higher Education" (Robert G. Bringle and Julie A. Hatcher) and (4) "Integrating Service and Academic Study: Faculty Motivation and Satisfaction in Michigan Higher Education" (Chris Hammond). Section 4, "Outcomes Assessment," includes (5) "Faculty Assessment of Student Learning: Outcomes Attributed to Service-Learning and Evidence of Changes in Faculty Attitudes about Experiential Education" (Garry Hesser); (6) "Integrating Community Service and Classroom Instruction Enhances Learning: Results from an Experiment" (Gregory B. Markus, Jeffrey P.F. Howard, and David C. King); (7) "Effects of an Undergraduate Program to Integrate Academic Learning and Service: Cognitive, Prosocial Cognitive, and Identity Outcomes" (Thomas H. Batchelder and Susan Root); (8) "The Impact of a College Community Service Laboratory on Students' Personal, Social, and Cognitive Outcomes"(Dwight E. Giles and Janet Eyler); and (9) "The Impact of Service-Learning on College Students" (Janet Eyler, Dwight E. Giles, and John Braxton). Section 5, "Program Design," offers (10) "In the Service of Citizenship: A Study of Student Involvement in Community Service" (Robert A. Rhoads). Section 6, "Evaluation and Research," includes (11) "An Assessment Model for Service-Learning: Comprehensive Case Studies of Impact on Faculty, Students, Community, and Institution" (Amy Driscoll, Barbara Holland, Sherril Gelmon, and Seanne Kerrigan); (12) "Campus Compact Special Report"; and (13) "Research Agenda for Contributing Service and Learning in the 1990s" (Dwight E. Giles, Ellen Porter Honnet, and Sally Migliore). Appended are: service learning instruments; community service learning Websites; and community service learning organizations. (Contains 10 references.) (SM)
AnmerkungenNational Library of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20202-5523. Tel: 800-424-1616; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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