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Autor/inn/enLeBuffe, Paul A.; Shapiro, Valerie B.
TitelLending "Strength" to the Assessment of Preschool Social-Emotional Health
QuelleIn: California School Psychologist, 9 (2004), S.51-61 (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterResilience (Psychology); Behavior Problems; Prevention; Mental Health; Behavior Disorders; Pathology; Preschool Children; Comparative Analysis; Measures (Individuals); Reliability; Prediction; Risk; Mental Disorders
AbstractThis paper compares the advantages of a strength-based perspective to the long-standing pathology-based approach to assessment. Theoretical advantages to strength-based assessment, such as greater compatibility with early prevention efforts and increased acceptance by multiple stakeholders, are suggested. The "Devereux Early Childhood Assessment" ("DECA"), a reliable measure of within-child protective factors in preschoolers, is used to empirically validate the utility of strength-based assessment. The authors found the "DECA" to discriminate between groups of preschoolers with and without emotional and behavior problems, the "DECA" Total Protective Factor Scale to predict group membership just as well as the "DECA" Behavioral Concerns Screener, and the "DECA" assessment of protective factors to predict behavioral concerns as well as a standardized assessment of risk. These empirical findings, combined with the presented theoretical rationale, indicate that a strength-based perspective and the resilience model have great utility for universal use with preschool populations. (Contains 4 tables.) (As Provided).
AnmerkungenCalifornia Association of School Psychologists. 1020 12th Street Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95814. Tel: 916-444-1595; Fax: 916-444-1597; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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