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Autor/inSmith, Mark
TitelInternet Policy Handbook for Libraries. Neal-Schuman NetGuide Series.
Quelle(1999), (219 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Academic Libraries; Decision Making; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Information Policy; Information Services; Internet; Legislation; Library Administration; Library Policy; Library Services; Participative Decision Making; Policy Formation; Public Libraries; School Libraries; Training
AbstractThis book is intended to guide library administrators--directors and departmental managers in public, school, and academic libraries--through the many complex decisions inherent in managing public Internet access. The handbook systematically deals with each possible element of an Internet policy. It identifies the options available at each decision point, and explores the potential positive and negative impacts for each option. Chapter 1, "The Policy Development Process," and Chapter 2, "Linking the Internet to the Library's Mission," briefly review general principles of library policy development. Chapter 3, "Physical Location and Access Considerations," discusses basic physical considerations and logistics. Chapter 4, "Defining Acceptable Use," and Chapter 5, "Prohibited Uses and Their Consequences," focus on acceptable and prohibited uses, while Chapter 6, "Filtering Considerations," explores both sides of the filtering controversy, as well as what libraries are doing about it. Chapter 7, "Guided Use and Library Policy," deals with questions of how to handle training for Internet use in the library. Chapter 8, "Web Publishing Policies," is devoted to policies that govern the creation and placement of Web pages on the library server. Chapter 9, "Next Steps: After the Policy is Written," addresses steps to take after the policy is written. Each chapter includes relevant extracts from some policies and reproduces others in their entirety. Appendices provide sample public, academic and school library Internet policies; national and state library association policies; an Internet policy checklist; and an actual court case opinion. Contains an index. (AEF)
AnmerkungenNeal-Schuman Publishers, Inc., 100 Varick St., New York, NY 10013; Tel: 800-594-2414; Web site: ($49.95).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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