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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inn/enKemp, Joanne; Waterton, Pat
InstitutionCanadian Association of College and University Libraries, Ottawa (Ontario).
TitelCTCL 1996 Survey on Library Internet Services. Occasional Paper Series, No. 11.
Quelle(1997), (27 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; Access to Information; Foreign Countries; Information Services; Internet; Library Associations; Library Services; Library Surveys; Science Libraries; Special Libraries; Staff Development; Canada
AbstractThe Canadian Association of College and Technical Libraries (CTCL) survey was mailed out to 135 CTCL member libraries in February 1996. Results paint a positive picture of the ability of Canadian college and technical libraries to incorporate new technology into their service delivery within a relatively short time frame. Eighty-five libraries (88% of the respondents) indicated that they were providing student and/or staff access to the Internet at workstations in their libraries. Most of the respondents had been offering access for less than one year. The survey revealed that two key issues related to Internet access are: (1) providing effective training for library staff, and (2) finding the resources to meet rising user expectations about services and accessibility in the library. The survey instrument was divided into two main parts. Part One--to be answered by all libraries providing any Internet access to own staff or to students or instructors--focused on general questions about Internet access and services being offered in the library. Part Two--to be answered by libraries that provide Internet access to library staff only--was designed to find out what services are provided and what conditions govern Internet use in libraries where student and instructional staff access is supported. (AEF)
AnmerkungenCanadian Library Association, 200 Elgin Street, Suite 602, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1L5, Canada ($10 Canadian).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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