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Sonst. PersonenSalmi, Jamil (Hrsg.); Verspoor, Adriaan M. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionInternational Association of Universities, Paris (France).
TitelRevitalizing Higher Education. Issues in Higher Education, Volume 3. First Edition.
Quelle(1994), (422 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccountability; College Administration; College Outcomes Assessment; Developing Nations; Economic Development; Educational Assessment; Educational Development; Educational Finance; Foreign Countries; Governance; Government School Relationship; Higher Education; Information Technology; Private Colleges; Proprietary Schools; School Effectiveness; Africa; Asia; Chile
AbstractThis volume contains 13 papers on experiences with reform and innovation in higher education and their implications for developing countries. Four themes are highlighted: higher education and development, performance assessment, sustainable financing, and effectiveness in governance and management. The papers include: "Introduction: Improvement and Innovation in Higher Education" (Adriaan M. Verspoor); "The University System: Engine of Development in the New World Economy" (Manuel Castells); "Universities, Technological Change, and Training in the Information Age" (Martin Carnoy); "Economic Returns from Investments in Research and Training" (Edwin Mansfield); "Performance of Higher Education: Measures for Improvement. Evaluation of Outcomes" (Ulrich Teichler and others);"Performance Indicators for Higher Education: A Critical Review with Policy Recommendations" (Herbert R. Kells); "Enhancing the Financial Sustainabilty of Higher Education Institutions" (Adrian Ziderman); "Mechanics of Allocating Public Funds to Universities, Their Implications on Efficiency and Equity" (Edita A. Tan); "Foreign Assistance for University Development in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia" (Thomas Owen Eisemon and Moussa Kourouma); "Problems of Privatization" (Daniel C. Levy); "Autonomy and Accountability in Government/University Relationships" (Frans A. van Vught); "Higher Education in Chile: Effects of the 1980 Reform" (Jose Joaquin Brunner and Guillermo Briones); and "Conclusion: Higher Education Reform in Perspective" (Jamil Salmi). Most papers contain references. (JB)
AnmerkungenElsevier Science Inc., 660 White Plains Rd., Tarrytown, NY 10591-5153 ($88).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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