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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionMcDowell Group, Juneau, AK.
TitelRural Alaska Secondary Education Study.
Quelle(1994), (757 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Academic Achievement; Alaska Natives; American Indian Education; Boarding Schools; College Students; Educational Assessment; Educational Attitudes; Educational Research; High School Students; Higher Education; Public Opinion; Rural Education; Rural Schools; Rural Urban Differences; Secondary Education; Small Schools; Surveys
AbstractThis document reports on a six-part study conducted during 1993-94 evaluating rural secondary education in Alaska. A survey of 152 graduates of Mt. Edgecumbe High School (a boarding school attended by rural students) examined how well their educational experiences prepared them for college, trade school, and employment. A telephone survey of 800 rural households gathered opinions about the quality of rural education, including ratings of services, teachers, curriculum, and facilities at community high schools; suggestions about how to improve rural secondary education; and opinions about boarding schools and correspondence study. Opinions of Alaska Natives and non-Natives are compared. A two-part review summarizes national research and Alaskan research on rural education, outlines possible options for improving rural secondary education, and identifies benefits and limitations of the small local high school and residential high school. A study compared the completion rates of 193 rural and 1,463 urban students who entered the University of Alaska in 1988, and analyzed early leavers, degrees received, and current student status by rural/urban origin, race, and sex. Telephone interviews were conducted with 32 rural high school teachers, superintendents, boarding school personnel, and other stakeholders of rural education. Background, comments, and recommendations are presented for each interviewee. An analysis identifies the minimum criteria and infrastructure needs for increasing state-operated boarding school capacity in Alaska, and includes profiles of the state's only boarding school (Mt. Edgecumbe) and its community (Sitka), their school-community linkages, and capital and operating costs. This document contain survey questionnaires and numerous graphs and tables. The research reviews contain a total of 76 references. (LP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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