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Autor/inn/enPaulson, F. Leon; Paulson, Pearl R.
TitelAssessing Portfolios Using the Constructivist Paradigm.
Quelle(1994), (15 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCognitive Psychology; Constructivism (Learning); Educational Assessment; Educational Change; Elementary Secondary Education; Models; Performance Based Assessment; Portfolio Assessment; Portfolios (Background Materials); Program Evaluation; Psychometrics; Test Use
AbstractIn a previous paper the authors presented a model of assessing portfolios, the Cognitive Model for Assessing Portfolios (CMAP), as a lens to view, think about, and make decisions about portfolio projects. Two projects in which the CMAP has been used are described. One is an authentic assessment project in mathematics and science by the Educational Testing Service in Atlanta (Georgia), and the other is the reform of assessments in the Wyoming (Michigan) school district. The clear focus of the Atlanta project is on student outcomes. The entire project is systematically designed to produce outcomes that can be summarized across individuals and groups. The focus of the Michigan project is far more diverse, with generally defined outcomes and a more general assessment design. Atlanta represents a positivist and psychometric model of assessment while Wyoming (Michigan) represents a constructivist point of view, with the portfolio seen as a learning environment. Portfolio assessment is better suited to the constructivist model, in that efforts to apply the positivist model to portfolios invariably impose meanings that are different from those created by the learner. One figure and one table illustrate the comparison. (Contains 27 references.) (SLD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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