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Autor/inRasch, Lee
InstitutionWestern Wisconsin Technical Coll., La Crosse.
TitelInstitutional Effectiveness...Western's Perspective.
Quelle(1993), (18 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Accreditation (Institutions); College Planning; Educational Assessment; Educational Improvement; Improvement Programs; Institutional Evaluation; Instructional Improvement; Learning Modules; Organizational Effectiveness; Outcomes of Education; Program Descriptions; Technical Institutes; Two Year Colleges
AbstractFocusing on the application and outcomes of quality-based management and assessment practices in use at Western Wisconsin Technical College (WWTC), this report outlines the college's four-module quality improvement training program, reviews college outcomes data related to student achievement and employer satisfaction, and describes eight strategic goals for WWTC. The first part provides brief descriptions of the following four learning modules that comprise WWTC's quality improvement training program: (1) Awareness, which explains basic concepts of quality and their implications for WWTC; (2) Tools of the Scientific Approach, detailing methods of analysis; (3) the Joiner Seven Step Method, describing the steps in the Joiner problem-solving strategy; and (4) Learning To Work Together as Teams. The second section reviews indicators of institutional achievement, providing data on graduate placement rates, employment location, and satisfaction with training for graduates from 1985-86 through 1989-90; results of a longitudinal follow-up study of 1981 graduates; results of a 1990 survey of employers of WWTC graduates; a review of WWTC's grading system; a discussion of student organizations and student honors and awards; and a review of student pass rates on certification licensure examinations for the last 5 years. The final section of the report presents brief strategic goals for WWTC addressing the issues of district vision, customer-focus, teaching and learning, fiscal resources, staffing, technology, organizational structure, and physical resources. This section also includes a diagram of the college's effectiveness model and core indicators. (PAA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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