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Autor/inn/enBeaton, Albert E.; Chromy, James R.
InstitutionAmerican Institutes for Research
TitelNAEP Trends: Main NAEP vs. Long-Term Trend
Quelle(2010), (59 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Ethnic Groups; Validity; National Competency Tests; Program Effectiveness; Trend Analysis; Educational Trends; Comparative Analysis; Age Differences; Racial Differences; Test Construction; Measures (Individuals); Scores; Academic Achievement; Mathematics Achievement; Reading Achievement; Educational Assessment; Elementary Secondary Education; National Assessment of Educational Progress
AbstractThe objectives of this research are to (a) compare the trend lines after some adjustments for level and scale only and determine if and how they differ; (b) describe the methodology of each assessment and identify similarities and differences; and (c) attempt to explain any observed differences based on comparable subsets or on special analysis. Subsets considered include grade within age, age within grade, and racial/ethnic groups. This study arose from a NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) Validity Studies Panel inquiry into potential issues affecting NAEP validity. As part of this inquiry, the panel proposed a two-component study to compare the separate NAEP statistical series. The first component was to address analysis of trends from the two series. The second component was to examine test-construct issues that may contribute to any divergence of the measured trends. Only the first component is addressed in this report. The second component was addressed, in part, by Dickinson and colleagues (2006). Adjusting the Metric of the Main National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). This report contains the following chapters: (1) Introduction; (2) Main NAEP and Long-Term Trend trends from 1990 to 2009; (3) Descriptions of the Main NAEP and Long-Term Trend surveys since 1990, with identification of similarities and differences; (4) Comparisons of trend measures limited to more nearly comparable populations based on modal age and modal grade; (5) An examination of population shifts and comparisons of subpopulation estimates from each of the NAEP surveys; (6) The effects of population shifts; (7) Conclusions. Appended to this report are Adjusting the Metric of the Main National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Samples. (Contains 30 tables, 12 figures and 7 footnotes.) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenAmerican Institutes for Research. 1000 Thomas Jefferson Street NW, Washington, DC 20007. Tel: 202-403-5000; Fax: 202-403-5001; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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