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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionEducation International, Brussels (Belgium).
TitelInternational Conference on Higher Education Report. A Teachers' Perspective (Paris, France, March 19-21, 1997).
Quelle(1998), (54 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Accountability; College Faculty; Distance Education; Educational Finance; Educational Quality; Educational Research; Educational Technology; Financial Support; Foreign Countries; Governance; Higher Education; Information Technology; Institutional Autonomy; Labor Market; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Rights; Teaching Conditions; Teaching (Occupation)
AbstractThis report, based on a conference of international lecturers and academics and organized by Education International, notes that the number of college students has significantly increased over the last 2 decades while spending on almost every aspect of higher education has declined over the same time period. It warns that standards could plummet unless governments examine how to deliver high quality, rather than low cost, education. The conference included nine working groups that discussed: quality in education; distance learning and new technologies; the role of research; the management and governance of higher education institutions; the funding of higher education and research; the labor market and society institutional autonomy and accountability; the rights and freedom of teachers in higher education; and terms and conditions of employment. The conference sought to reaffirm the basic principles that should underpin education and to identify the kind of social partnership that can deliver efficient, effective, and creative teaching. Solutions fell into three areas: using information and communication technology; reducing labor costs, and seeking alternative funding sources. Two appendixes present the conference agenda and a list of participants. (SM)
AnmerkungenEducation International, 155 bd Emile Jacqmain, B-1210 Brussels, Belgium. Tel: 32-2-224-06-22; Fax: 32-3-334-06-06; email:; Web site: http//
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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