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Autor/inZawierucha, Christina F. M.
TitelA Thematic Literary Approach to War and Its Effects: A Comparison/Contrast of Middle-Eastern Literature as Compared to Western Literature. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminars Abroad Program, 2000 (Egypt and Israel).
Quelle(2000), (83 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Comparative Analysis; Curriculum Development; Foreign Countries; High Schools; Higher Education; Literary Criticism; Literary Devices; Multiple Choice Tests; Reader Response; Thematic Approach; War; World Literature
AbstractThis curriculum project, a lesson plan for a thematic literary study of war and its effects, has five goals: (1) to have students read various selections of literature on the theme of war from both the Middle East and the West; (2) to teach students to analyze the differences and similarities between wars fought in the Middle East as compared to the West; (3) to generate literary discussions and written essays analyzing the similarities and disparities of Middle Eastern versus Western wars; (4) to generate discussion and written essays analyzing the similarities and differences on a designated aspect of war; and (5) to review and/or teach the various literary elements and literary techniques employed in well-written literature. The project includes 18 pieces of literature (poetry and prose), multiple choice questions for each selection (and a teacher answer key), and discussion questions. Contains 24 references. (BT)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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