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Autor/inChristesen, Mirka
TitelCharacter Kaleidoscope: A Practical, Standards-Based Resource Guide for Character Development.
Quelle(2000), (162 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Academic Standards; Class Activities; Classroom Techniques; Elementary Education; Ethical Instruction; Fine Arts; Language Arts; Learning Activities; Mathematics; Middle Schools; Sciences; Social Studies; Student Educational Objectives; Teacher Role
AbstractThis resource guide shares a practical, methodical approach to the introduction of character education into the classroom. The guide contains a set of 17 practice-proven lesson plans that focuses on one of the tasks of modern education. It gives special attention to the integration of character education with language arts and the fine arts. It also provides practical suggestions regarding the integration of character education with mathematics, social studies, science, music, and physical education. The guide includes 13 chapters: (1) "In Favor of Character Education in Schools"; (2) "Teacher Motivation"; (3) "Casting Some Light on 'Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education'"; (4) "Well Begun Is Half Done: Suggestions for a Simple Start in Teaching Character Education"; (5) "Character Education through Curriculum Integration"; (6) "Teaching One Trait at a Time" (Lessons 1-9); (7) "Teaching Three Traits at a Time" (Lesson 10); (8) "Teaching the Community-Chosen Set of Traits Integrating Several Subjects" (Lesson 11); (9) "Artistic Expression and Character Education" (Lessons 12-13); (10) "Teaching a Set of Traits from More Challenging Literary Works" (Lessons 14-17); (11) "Music and Character Education"; (12) "Physical Education and Character Building"; and (13) "A Character Education Exhibition Wall." Appended are standards for various disciplines and an extensive list of additional resources. (Contains 49 works cited.) (BT)
AnmerkungenDude Publishing, National Professional Resources, Inc., 25 South Regent Street, Port Chester, NY 10573 ($29.95). Tel: 800-453-7461; Fax: 914-937-9327; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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