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Autor/inn/enWalker, Karen E.; Bowie, Angela
InstitutionPublic/Private Ventures
TitelLinking the Child Care and Health Care Systems: A Consideration of Options
Quelle(2004), (66 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEconomically Disadvantaged; Access to Health Care; Children; Child Care; Poverty; Racial Differences; African Americans; Hispanic Americans; Social Class; Whites; Public Policy; Child Health; Program Effectiveness; Public Health; Early Intervention; Financial Support; Family Programs; Federal Aid; Prevention; Young Children; At Risk Persons; Parent Education; Health Insurance
AbstractFunded by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, this report examines strategies for linking the health and child care systems in an effort to improve poor children's health. Studies show that poor, African American and Latino children have less access to health care and worse health outcomes than middle-class or non-Hispanic white children. With this reality in mind, the authors present five key strategies, identifying for each: the resources necessary for implementation, the strategy's potential to improve children's health, and the primary strengths and disadvantages--including each strategy's promise for reaching the most vulnerable children. Drawing on interviews with experts in policy, health and child care, the report provides funders and policymakers with a framework for thinking about future interventions. Two appendixes are included: (1) Review of Federal and State Policies; and (2) List of experts consulted for report. (Contains 26 endnotes, 5 figures, and 6 tables.) (As Provided).
AnmerkungenPublic/Private Ventures. 122 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10168. Tel: 212-822-2400; Fax: 202-949-0439; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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