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Autor/inn/enLynch, Mamie; Engle, Jennifer
InstitutionEducation Trust
TitelBig Gaps, Small Gaps: Some Colleges and Universities Do Better than Others in Graduating Hispanic Students. College Results Online
Quelle(2010), (8 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Higher Education; Access to Education; Human Capital; Young Adults; Hispanic Americans; Academic Achievement; Graduation Rate; Educational Attainment; White Students; Effective Schools Research; United States
AbstractThe United States' lack of purposefulness in providing high-quality education to all young Americans, regardless of the circumstances of their birth, is literally wasting the future of many young people, including members of the fastest growing group. Poised by 2050 to constitute nearly one-third of the workforce, Latinos currently are the least prepared educationally to contribute to and benefit from the rapidly changing and demanding economy. Only 13 percent of young adult Latinos hold bachelor's degrees, compared with 39 percent of whites, and 21 percent of blacks. To improve degree attainment among Hispanic students, colleges and universities simply must enroll more of them. But it's just as important that these institutions also boost their graduation rates and close graduation-rate gaps. This brief calls attention to the colleges and universities that are serving Hispanic students well, as evidenced by small or nonexistent graduation-rate gaps between Hispanic and white students. The authors also shine a necessary light on institutions with particularly large gaps--the institutions that are not serving these students as effectively as they should. Why focus on gaps? Many institutions cited in this brief have demonstrated an ability to graduate relatively high proportions of white students--regardless of institutional resources or students' academic preparation. These colleges and universities ought to be able to achieve similar graduation rates for Hispanic students. What's more, some institutions with large gaps may graduate Hispanic students at higher rates than the national average for Hispanic students. However, people know that with focused effort, such institutions can raise Hispanic graduation rates to the same level as those of whites. Indeed, the successful colleges and universities profiled in this brief prove it's possible to do so. The promising practices they employ can help other institutions close their graduation-rate gaps. (Contains 1 figure, 5 tables and 11 notes.) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenEducation Trust. 1250 H Street NW Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005. Tel: 202-293-1217; Fax: 202-293-2605; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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