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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Sonst. PersonenDavis, H. Scott (Hrsg.)
InstitutionIndiana State Library, Indianapolis.; Indiana Library Association.; Indiana Library Trustee Association, Indianapolis.
TitelBibliographic Instruction in Indiana.
Quelle7 (1988) 2, (68 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Librarian Attitudes; Library Automation; Library Development; Library Instruction; Public Libraries; School Libraries; Indiana
AbstractThis issue contains nine articles written by Indiana librarians involved in bibliographic instruction: (1) "Information Management Education--Beyond BI (Bibliographic Instruction)" (Gillian S. Gremmels); (2) "Dealing with the New Technology: An Instructional Primer" (Patrick Max); (3) "Librarian/Teacher Partnerships for Better Library Instruction: Two Views" (Freda Kegley and Julie Bobay); (4) "Course-Integrated Library Instruction: Earlham College Revisited" (Marsha A. Miller); (5) "Preparation for Undergraduate Bibliographic Instruction: A Personal Experience" (Mary Stanley); (6) "The Purdue Undergraduate Library Research Skills Instruction Program" (Dana E. Smith); (7) "A Statement of Opinion: Working under Cover To Promote OPAC (the Online Public Access Catalog)" (Matt Hannigan); (8) "Critical Thinking Skills: The Role of the School Library" (Elizabeth Hatton Zuelke); and (9) "Bibliographic Instruction and User Education: A New ILA (Indiana Library Association) Discussion Group" (Emily Okada and Mary Popp). (MAB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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