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Autor/inWoodsworth, Anne
InstitutionPittsburgh Univ., PA.
TitelThe Roles and Responsibilities of the Senior Information Manager at Selected American Universities. Final Report.
Quelle(1986), (41 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; Administrative Organization; Administrator Attitudes; Administrator Role; Decision Making; Educational Background; Higher Education; Library Automation; Library Directors; Occupational Information; Questionnaires; Research Libraries; Research Universities; Responsibility
AbstractThis study focused on the roles, responsibilities, reporting relationships, and background of senior information managers at universities with Association of Research Libraries (ARL) member libraries, and on their relationships with library directors. Data for the study were collected from preliminary questionnaires distributed to 91 library directors, telephone interviews conducted with a smaller sample of the original respondents, and interviews with senior information managers. Study results include the following observations: (1) the position of senior information manager has been established in one-third of the universities surveyed; (2) the senior information manager tends to report at the same level in the administrative hierarchy as the library or computer center director; (3) senior information managers report a greater degree of responsibility and authority for library automation activities than library directors acknowledge that they have; (4) the most significant area of responsibility and authority of the senior information manager is in academic computer services; and (5) most of the institutions have at least one active university-wide committee for the formulation of policy about information technology and information systems. A 26-item bibliography is provided, and appendices include a listing of the institutions surveyed, an outline of study activities and timeframe, and the study questionnaire. (KM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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