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Autor/inn/enSammons, Pam; Toth, Katalin; Sylva, Kathy
InstitutionUniversity of Oxford (United Kingdom); Sutton Trust (England)
TitelSubject to Background: What Promotes Better Achievement for Bright but Disadvantaged Students?
Quelle(2015), (48 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; High Achievement; Disadvantaged Youth; Predictor Variables; Success; Children; Adolescents; Elementary Secondary Education; Course Selection (Students); College Preparation; Enrichment Activities; After School Programs; Preschool Education; Educational Quality; Homework; Student Characteristics; Foreign Countries; Recreational Reading; Social Class; At Risk Students; United Kingdom
AbstractThis report looks at children's education careers by drawing on data from a sample of more than 3,000 young people who have been tracked through school since the age of three. In particular, this research identified a group of disadvantaged children, establishing what predicted their academic success at the age of 11 and following them up to age 18. The findings reveal that bright but disadvantaged children are considerably less likely to take the subjects most likely to get them into good universities than their more advantaged counterparts. Key findings include: (1) Early years and primary school experiences, along with better home learning environments in the early years and up to the age of seven, provide a significant boost in attainment for children at the age of 11 and help to counteract disadvantage; (2) Bright but disadvantaged students obtained statistically significant better GCSE results when they engaged in average or better out of school academic enrichment through activities such as educational outings or reading at home; (3) Bright but disadvantaged students were significantly more likely to go on to get four or more AS-levels when they had attended any pre-school, especially one of higher quality (rather than no pre-school) and where they had competent teachers and engaged in academic enrichment activities at home, such as reading or learning opportunities including family visits to museums and galleries, between the ages of 11 and 14; (4) Bright but disadvantaged students were significantly more likely to go on to attain three or more A-levels when they attended a secondary school rated outstanding by Ofsted for the quality of its pupils' learning and where they experienced average or good levels of academic enrichment at home; (5) Students who reported they spent significant amounts of time on homework daily in Year 11 were nine times more likely to get three A-levels than those who did no regular homework; and (6) Nearly twice as many advantaged as disadvantaged bright students are taking one or more of the A-level subjects seen as providing access to good universities. An appendix, "High Achievers in KS2" (Tables A.5-A.23) is included. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenSutton Trust. 9th Floor Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London SW1P 4QP. Tel: +44-20-7802-1660; E-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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