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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enZimmerman, Margot; und weitere
InstitutionProgram for Appropriate Technology in Health, Washington, DC.
TitelDeveloping Health and Family Planning Print Materials for Low-Literate Audiences: A Guide.
Quelle(1989), (61 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Adult Basic Education; Adult Literacy; Audience Analysis; Developing Nations; Family Planning; Females; Foreign Countries; Health Activities; Health Education; Health Materials; Health Promotion; Instructional Materials; Literacy Education; Material Development; Oral Rehydration Therapy
AbstractThis manual offers guidelines for developing health and family planning support materials for illiterate and low-literate groups. The techniques used rely heavily on involvement of the target audience. Following the introduction, each of the nine sections of the guide discusses a separate step in the materials development process: (1) "target audiences" explains how to profile audiences and determine their specific needs; (2) "project planning" offers tips on formulating work plans to allocate time and financial resources; (3) "audience research" describes methods to derive information from the target audience to assess and understand its needs and concerns; (4) "message development" details the process of using data from focus group discussions and other audience research to develop messages and communicate them pictorially in a clear, sequential manner; (5) "guidelines for materials production" provides tips for preparing materials for low-literate groups; (6) "pretesting and revision" explains ways to ensure that the intended messages are conveyed and that the materials are acceptable to the target audience; (7) "printing" raises issues to consider during the production stage of the materials development process; (8) "distribution and training" describes how to disseminate the materials and train health workers to use them effectively with their clients; and (9) "evaluation" describes methods to examine the field use of the materials and their impact on the intended audience. The guide includes 18 references and lists 9 resources. Appendixes include pretest background sheets, data sheets, summary of results sheets, and a monthly record form for distribution of educational materials by health educators. (KC)
AnmerkungenPATH, 1990 M Street, N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036 (single copies free; additional copies $5.00 each).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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