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Autor/inNassar, Nancy
TitelCD-ROM: The Silent Revolution.
Quelle(1988), (49 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; Comparative Analysis; Computer Literacy; Databases; Higher Education; Information Retrieval; Information Storage; Intermediate Grades; Learning Resources Centers; Library Role; Literature Reviews; Optical Data Disks; Questionnaires; School Libraries; Secondary Education; Technological Advancement; Users (Information)
AbstractA review of the literature was undertaken to determine whether purchasing DIALOG in the CD-ROM format or subscribing to the DIALOG online format would be the better solution for middle school students interested in information retrieval. This report begins by stating the problem and defining common computer terms. A review of the related literature is then presented which addresses the following subject areas: (1) dreams of tomorrow; (2) CD-ROM (compact disc read-only memory) development; (3) CD-I (compact disc interactive) development; (4) the development of CD-THOR, a compact disc system on which digital data can be stored, retrieved, and erased repeatedly; (5) databases on CD-ROM; (6) replacing the card catalog; (7) DIALOG's online information retrieval services; (8) library services; (9) librarians; (10) school librarians; (11) library of the future; (12) security; (13) benefits; (14) problems; (15) costs; and (16) predictions. On the basis of the literature review, it was concluded that, although CD-ROM is the state-of-the-art in storage and retrieval systems and the system of the future, its cost is currently prohibitive for school districts, and the less frequent updating of the CD-ROM databases makes them less desirable than online systems for use in the middle school. Appendixes include compact-disc player sales statistics; an outline of the storage capacity of CD-ROM for various forms of media; comparisons of the costs of online searching and CD-ROM; and a transmittal letter and questionnaire addressed to computer literacy teachers. (25 references and 44 endnotes) (CGD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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