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Autor/inn/enVincent, Stacy K.; Torres, Robert M.
TitelMulticultural Competence: A Case Study of Teachers and Their Student Perceptions
QuelleIn: Journal of Agricultural Education, 56 (2015) 2, S.64-75 (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterCase Studies; Student Attitudes; Teacher Attitudes; Multicultural Education; Interpersonal Competence; Secondary School Teachers; Agricultural Education; Teacher Competency Testing; Teacher Evaluation; Student Evaluation of Teacher Performance; Student Organizations; Group Membership; Racial Distribution; Comparative Analysis; Ethnic Diversity; Questionnaires; Mississippi
AbstractThe purpose of this study is to describe the level of multicultural competence among secondary agriculture teachers in schools with a minimum of 30% ethnic minority student enrollment. Using the Multicultural Skills Awareness and Skill Survey-Teacher Form, teachers assessed their multicultural competence as did their students assess the teacher's multicultural competence. For comparison purposes, teachers were grouped by the ethnic diversity of their FFA chapter membership: diverse and non-diverse FFA membership. From the findings, teachers within a diverse FFA membership had a higher multicultural competence level (by the teacher and the students) then did teachers within a non-diverse FFA membership. When combining both teacher groups together, the results suggest that students perceive their teachers to be more multicultural competent then the teachers perceive themselves. The results and recommendations are provided as to the development of teachers that are multicultural competent. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAmerican Association for Agricultural Education. P.O. Box 7607, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, Raleigh, NC 27695. Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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