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Autor/inPereira, Monica
TitelADONIS: One Library's Experience with a CD-ROM Document Delivery System.
Quelle(1996), (10 Seiten)
PDF als Volltext kostenfreie Datei Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; Access to Information; Biomedicine; Document Delivery; Electronic Text; Higher Education; Information Retrieval; Information Systems; Interlibrary Loans; Journal Articles; Library Cooperation; Library Funding; Library Services; Online Searching; Optical Data Disks; Scientific and Technical Information; Shared Library Resources
AbstractAcademic libraries have traditionally used interlibrary lending to facilitate document delivery. The trend of stagnating or dwindling serials budgets in libraries, coupled with increased journal costs, has served to increase libraries' reliance on the benefits of consortium pricing and shared costs, by utilizing interlibrary lending of journals. ADONIS is a CD-ROM based document delivery system that contains articles from scientific journals which cover a wide area in the biomedical fields, including biochemistry, bioengineering, biotechnology, and chemistry. ADONIS has over 680 journal titles, from more than 70 publishers. The Creighton University Health Sciences Library (CUHSL) in Omaha (Nebraska) began using ADONIS in July 1995. A 486/DX computer with 16Mb of RAM, a 500 Mb hard drive, and SVGA monitor comprise the viewing station. The CD-ROMs are managed by a 500-disk, quadruple-speed jukebox. Articles are printed on a Hewlett-Packard Laserjet 4 Plus printer, and incur a charge varying from $1.50 to $32.00 per article. Although the text of documents in ADONIS is not searchable, the ADONIS index is searchable via numerous familiar search techniques. Use of ADONIS has grown since it began operation, and the ADONIS holdings have been loaded into SERHOLD, which noticeably increased interlibrary loan requests for ADONIS materials. Four appendices show ADONIS contact information, original publisher-members of ADONIS, symbols used in ADONIS software, and examples used for an ADONIS presentation. (Author/SWC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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