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Autor/inAbendroth, Dorinda
TitelEngagement and Perception's Influence on Achievement
Quelle(2012), (48 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStudent Improvement; Report Cards; Learner Engagement; Educational Assessment; Standardized Tests; Conventional Instruction; Scores; Grade 2; Grade 3; Test Results; Teaching Methods; Nontraditional Education; Rural Areas; Rural Schools; Pretests Posttests; Student Surveys; Parent Surveys; Mathematics Instruction; Questionnaires; Interviews; Observation; Journal Writing; Michigan
AbstractCan increasing student perception and engagement though alternative teaching methods, such as introducing math in an everyday context improve student test scores? Literature on this subject suggests improving student engagement and introduction of math in everyday applications can improve student comprehension. This study looks at a second grade classroom in rural Michigan. Nine different data sources were utilized including a pre and post study parent survey, a daily classroom observational chart, conference interviews, comparison of pre and post-test of lessons taught traditionally and using everyday math, a teacher journal of observations made during lessons, an evaluation of student report cards, and comparisons of state standardized test and district objective scores. The study found student improvement regardless of lesson delivery, and improved engagement with introduction of everyday math. As a result of this study, introduction of more everyday math in the second grade classroom can lead to better engagement. The following are appended: (1) Data Collection Plan; (2) Student/Parent Survey/Questionnaire; (3) Data Source Two Summary; (4) Traditional Instruction Pre and Post Test Results; (5) Everyday Math Instruction Pre and Post Test; (6) Historical MEAP (Michigan Educational Assessment Program) - 3rd Grade Math-Pathfinder Elementary School Percentage of Students Who Are Proficient; and (7) District Outcomes MAP test 2011/12. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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