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Autor/inThurlow, Martha
InstitutionNational Transition Network, Minneapolis, MN.
TitelInclusion of Transition-Age Students with Disabilities in Large-Scale Assessments.
Quelle(1995), (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Academic Standards; Disabilities; Educational Assessment; Educational Policy; Eligibility; Guidelines; High School Students; High Schools; Inclusive Schools; Mainstreaming; Policy Formation; State Standards; Student Evaluation; Student Participation; Testing Problems; National Assessment of Educational Progress
AbstractThis monograph describes the functions of large-scale educational assessments and examines existing and developing policies as they pertain to transition-age youth with disabilities. It stresses that the level of representation of students with disabilities in such assessments will have impact on their level of representation in national and state policy and service decisions. The first section looks at the use of large-scale assessments for system accountability and statewide decision making. Tables and figures list national data collection programs, show overall inclusion and exclusion rates, and indicate which states include students with disabilities. The second section addresses existing policy, with discussion of national policy (including the exclusion guideline used by the National Assessment of Educational Progress) and of state policy, noting the great variation in written guidelines on inclusion/exclusion guidelines. The third section, on policies in the making, identifies national activities such as the development of assumptions underlying inclusion guidelines, a survey to determine current inclusion/exclusion practices, and suggestions for revising National Assessment of Education Progress guidelines. State activities in developing policy are also addressed. A final section on issues for transition-age students stresses the need to clarify the role of the individualized education program and to focus on the goal of an individual student's education. (Contains 31 references.) (DB)
AnmerkungenNational Transition Network, Institute of Community Integration (UAP), University of Minnesota, 86 Pleasant Street, S.E., 430 Wulling Hall, Minneapolis, MN 55455 (available in alternative formats upon request).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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