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Autor/inO'Neill, Paul
InstitutionNational Association of Charter School Authorizers
TitelNACSA Charter School Replication Guide: The Spectrum of Replication Options. Authorizing Matters. Replication Brief 1
Quelle(2010), (8 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Charter Schools; Educational Development; Public Education; Guides; Program Implementation; Governance; Educational Administration; Trustees; Web Based Instruction
AbstractOne of the most important and high-profile issues in public education reform today is the replication of successful public charter school programs. With more than 5,000 failing public schools in the United States, there is a tremendous need for strong alternatives for parents and students. Replicating successful charter school models is an approach that has gained momentum in recent years. Charter school replication is now leading to significant chartering activity across the country. Through charter school replication, authorizers have a tremendous opportunity to build portfolios of high performing schools; therefore, it is critical that they have an understanding of all the key elements involved in successful charter school replication and how it can be effectively brought about and managed. To this end, the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) is issuing a series of briefs to help authorizers master the art of replication. This brief explores the current landscape of replication. Other guides in this series will address such topics as how to authorize replications, when to do so and when to stay away, and how to maximize the chances that replicated programs are as strong as the models they seek to follow. (Contains 4 endnotes and 15 resources.) [Contributing authors include Jim Ford and Lauren Morando Rhim.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNational Association of Charter School Authorizers. 105 West Adams Street Suite 3500, Chicago, IL 60603. Tel: 312-376-2300; Fax: 312-376-2400; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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