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Autor/inRogers, Ibram
TitelCelebrating 40 Years of Activism
QuelleIn: Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, 23 (2006) 10, S.18-22 (5 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterAfrican American Influences; Higher Education; Campuses; Student Unions; Educational Policy; Cultural Centers; Activism; African American Students; White Students; Racial Discrimination; Racial Bias; Black Studies; Educational Environment; California
AbstractIn 1966, traditionally White colleges and universities were admitting more Black students than ever because of the Higher Education Act of 1965, which banned discrimination in education. However, the climate on most campuses was decidedly inhospitable to the newly arrived Black students. Thus, there grew a desire to create a political group that would unite Black students and demand a weather change, in addition to organizing social and political activities. It was the activism of San Francisco State University students that gave birth 40 years ago to the first Black Student Union (BSU), and the establishment of other BSUs wasn't far behind. BSUs began demanding of their respective administrations more Black students, faculty, administrators, athletes and coaches. They added to that list their need for student publications, financial aid, offices of black student affairs, and cultural centers. Academically, the BSUs insisted on schools of ethnic studies, Black studies departments, and resources to help uplift Black communities. In many cases, the students' demands were met. Eventually, many BSUs began to revert back to the socio-cultural focuses that defined them before the Black Power boom. Today, most BSUs are less activist and more politically reactionary, activist James Garrett says. As they have lost their activist edge, they have also been losing a battle for membership to other social and cultural organizations, such as fraternities and sororities. With a growing movement toward race neutrality working its way through higher education, the future of BSUs is unclear. Despite these impediments, BSUs continue to be established on college campuses across the nation. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenCox, Matthews and Associates. 10520 Warwick Avenue Suite B-8, Fairfax, VA 20170. Tel: 800-783-3199; Tel: 703-385-2981; Fax: 703-385-1839; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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