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Autor/inn/enLesley, Mellinee; Gee, Donna; Matthews, Marian
TitelSeparating the Chaff of Bureaucracy from the Grain of Pedagogy: Creating Quality New Teachers in the Age of Accountability
QuelleIn: Teacher Education Quarterly, 37 (2010) 2, S.33-51 (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterPreservice Teacher Education; Teacher Education Programs; Role of Education; Politics of Education; Teaching Skills; Teacher Effectiveness; Teacher Recruitment; Barriers; Educational Research; Interviews; Faculty; Elementary School Teachers; Teacher Evaluation; School Administration; Administrator Attitudes; Teacher Characteristics; Teaching Conditions
AbstractThe attack against teacher education has seemed increasingly focused and pervasive in recent years with the national government joining the discussion. The 2002 U.S. Secretary of Education's Annual Report on Teacher Quality (U.S. Department of Education) called for the dismantlement of teacher education programs and their "burdensome requirements" since they were irretrievably "broken". Some reports have called for the total revamping of college teacher preparation programs in order to better prepare teachers to increase student learning. As faculty members at a regional state university for several years and highly involved with revamping their teacher education program, the authors were anxious to study the effectiveness of their program in preparing quality teachers. The university where the study originated is considered a Masters 1 level institution under the Carnegie definition and is also one of those universities providing the most teachers for the nation's schools. In this study, the authors also wanted to clarify just what constituted quality and how those who were involved with their program viewed quality teaching. They obtained the information they sought by interviewing a representative sample of recent graduates and the administrators who hired them to determine whether they were providing "the critical teaching skills all teachers must learn" in order to help them become quality teachers capable of providing a successful education to their students. The authors discovered four trends within the selective codes pertaining to: (1) descriptors of quality teaching; (2) hindrances to engaging in quality teaching; (3) support structures for engaging in quality teaching; and (4) evaluations of the teacher education program. Through the findings in this study, the authors hope to understand the disparate perceptions regarding the factors that both contribute to and hinder the development of a quality teacher. (Contains 1 table.) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenCaddo Gap Press. 3145 Geary Boulevard PMB 275, San Francisco, CA 94118. Tel: 415-666-3012; Fax: 415-666-3552; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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