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Autor/inn/enSegovia, Isidoro; Lupiáñez, Jose Luis; Molina, Marta; González, Francisco; Miñán, Antonio; Real, Irene
TitelThe Conception and Role of Interdisciplinarity in the Spanish Education System
QuelleIn: Issues in Integrative Studies, (2010) 28, S.138-169 (16 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Interdisciplinary Approach; Concept Formation; Role Perception; Curriculum Evaluation; Compulsory Education; Educational Research; Educational Practices; Educational Policy; Educational Legislation; Photography; Mathematics Curriculum; Multilingualism; Teaching Models; Learning; Educational Development; Educational History; Spain
AbstractThis article provides an overview of the role that interdisciplinarity plays in the Spanish education system. With this aim, we first describe the main conception of the term "interdisciplinarity" in texts written in Spanish, including other terms that have similar meaning. Then we review the role of interdisciplinarity in the Spanish curriculum at different levels of education, focusing fundamentally on compulsory education. This serves as the basis from which later to analyze Spanish research on interdisciplinarity. Finally, through results of this research and some examples of interdisciplinary school practices, we extract conclusions about the role of interdisciplinarity in teaching practices in the classroom. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAssociation for Interdisciplinary Studies. Oakland University, Macomb County, 44575 Garfield Road Building UC2 Suite 103, Clinton Township, MI 48038. Tel: 586-263-6098; Fax: 586-263-6261; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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