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Sonst. PersonenWespieser, Karen (Hrsg.)
InstitutionNational Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) (England); National Governors Association
TitelExecutive Headteachers: What's in a Name? Case Study Compendium
Quelle(2016), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Principals; Administrator Role; School Administration; Administrative Organization; Administrator Qualifications; Job Skills; Case Studies; Strategic Planning; Governance; Accountability; Elementary Secondary Education; United Kingdom (England)
AbstractThis Case Study Compendium provides an overview of the 12 cases that were investigated as part of the study "Executive Headteachers: What's in a Name?'" (Lord et al., 2016). The case study overviews are based on in-depth analysis and research as described in the full report (ibid) and the Technical Appendix (Harland and Bernardinelli, 2016). All examples have been simplified in order to provide a compendium of comparable cases and to highlight the distinctive features where relevant. For each case, brief information about the "setting" (primary, secondary, all-through or special school) is provided. Next, the "strategic purpose" of the executive headteacher (EHT) role, based on an analysis of the rationale for EHT posts is identified. The "role focus" of each case is also highlighted, based on the four distinct roles identified during the research as being features that distinguish the EHT role from that of traditional headteacher (HT). Each case study also lists up to five of the most common qualifications that EHTs hold, and includes a short note on an effective feature that may be replicable for others. Each case includes a diagram of the governance and accountability structure associated with the EHT post. These diagrams are based on the research team's interpretation of the case following in-depth interviews with the EHT, head of school (HoS) and governors. Each diagram highlights the key staff that the EHT manages and the structure that they sit within. [This report was co-published by The Future Leaders Trust. For the full report, see ED574411. For the Technical Appendix, see ED574412. For the Review of Literature, see ED574415. For the Executive Summary, see ED574408.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNational Foundation for Educational Research. The Mere, Upton Park, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 2DQ, UK. Tel: +44-1753-574123; Fax: +44-1753-637280; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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