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Autor/inn/enEhrman, Edith; Morehouse, Ward
InstitutionNew York State Education Dept., Albany. Foreign Area Materials Center.; Council for Intercultural Studies and Programs, New York, NY.
TitelStudents, Teachers, and the Third World in the American College Curriculum. A Guide and Commentary on Innovative Approaches in Undergraduate Education. Occasional Publication No. 19.
Quelle(1972), (97 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAfrican Culture; Area Studies; Asian Studies; Developing Nations; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Instructional Innovation; International Education; Non Western Civilization; Teaching Guides; Teaching Methods; Undergraduate Study
AbstractThe purpose of this publication, which is experimental in nature, is to identify important innovations in undergraduate study of Asian and African societies, traditions specifically and the Third World somewhat more generally, and to encourage more interest and dialogue in the imaginative study of the Third World. The publication is arranged into two major parts. The first part provides commentaries and speculation on the study of the Third World, pointing out some of the unexploited opportunities for innovation. Innovative approaches and some illustrations for studying the Third World are offered in the second major part. Innovations described include computer assisted instruction, simulations and games, audio-visual media, different kinds of roles which faculty members can paly, using students as teachers and architects, different approaches to language-learning, and using the world as a classroom in overseas study programs. (SJM)
AnmerkungenNew York State Education Department, Foreign Area Materials Center, Albany, New York ($2.00)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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