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Autor/inBehrmann, June
InstitutionKIDSNET, Washington, DC.
TitelDiscovering Our Roots: Making History Meaningful. A Guide for Educators.
Quelle(2001), (7 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Black Culture; Black History; Class Activities; Critical Viewing; Heritage Education; High Schools; Learning Activities; Middle Schools; Slavery; Social Studies; Student Educational Objectives; Student Research; Study Guides; United States History; World History
AbstractWhen "Roots" first aired as an Odyssey Network television miniseries in 1977, it made history. "Roots" prompted people of many backgrounds to take a closer look at their personal heritage, ancestry, and ethnic identity. Together, Alex Haley's novel and the television program made several distinct contributions. They raised consciousness about the habits, rituals, values, and myths of African culture and ways. They brought about a new understanding of slavery as an institution. The history about an African ancestor, Kunte Kinte, passed down from generation to generation in the Haley family, became the centerpiece of stories that were knitted together in an oral tradition for young Alex Haley. The "Roots" television series is based on some parts of the prize-winning book. An estimated 130 million viewers saw all or part of the 8 episode miniseries first broadcast on 8 consecutive nights in January 1977. This study guide is designed to complement the Odyssey Channel's repeat showing, 24 years later in February of 2001, of this remarkable miniseries. The study guide cites student educational objectives, discusses how it can be used to correlate with selected National History Standards, and lists social studies themes related to the guide. For each episode, the study guide provides a short overview of the story and previewing and post-viewing activities. It also provides activities to help students examine their own roots. Activities include compiling a family tree, collecting and retelling stories, creating memory postcards, and assembling photos and memorabilia. (BT)
AnmerkungenRoots, KIDSNET, P.O. Box 60667, Washington DC, 20012; Fax: 202-882-7315; e-mail: For full text:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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