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InstitutionAlberta Dept. of Education, Edmonton.
TitelCurriculum Handbook for Parents, 2001-2002: Senior High School.
Quelle(2001), (52 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Educational Objectives; Fine Arts; Foreign Countries; Health Education; High School Students; High Schools; Language Arts; Mathematics; Outcomes of Education; Parent Materials; Parent Participation; Physical Education; Science Curriculum; Second Language Instruction; Secondary Education; Secondary School Curriculum; Social Studies; Technology Education; Canada
AbstractHigh school students are faced with decisions that will determine future opportunities and endeavors. This handbook provides parents with information about the high school curriculum in Alberta, Canada. Based on the Alberta Learning "Program of Studies: Senior High School," the handbook describes the knowledge, skills, and attitudes students in Alberta are expected to demonstrate upon completion of high school. Following introductory material, the handbook provides a program overview, including diploma requirements, a program planner, and descriptions of adjunct programs such as immersion/bilingual programs, off-campus education, a registered apprenticeship program and distance learning. The handbook then describes the required high school core courses: English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Career and Life Management 20, Physical Education 10, and Information and Communication Technology. In addition, the handbook presents information on Optional Courses in Career and Technology Studies, Fine and Performing Arts, Physical Education 20-30, and Second Languages programs. The handbook concludes with frequently asked questions and a one-page questionnaire requesting feedback on the handbook. (HTH)
AnmerkungenLearning Resources Distributing Centre, 12360-142 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5L 4X9. Tel: 780-427-5775; Fax: 780-422-9750; Web site: For full text:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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