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Autor/inn/enCoverson, Clenda; Rogan, Bob; Epps, Traci; Schmitt, Debra; Evans, Debbie; Suddeth, Karen; Harris-Wright, Kelli; Thomas, Melverlyn; Harmon, Deborah; Whaley, Rebecca; Parker, Cheri; Peters, Shan
InstitutionGeorgia State Dept. of Education, Atlanta.
TitelAssessment and Instructional Guide for the Georgia Grade Five Writing Assessment.
Quelle(2001), (112 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Grade 5; Intermediate Grades; Student Evaluation; Student Writing Models; Writing Evaluation; Writing Exercises; Writing Instruction; Writing Strategies; Writing Tests; Georgia
AbstractThe purpose of this guide is to assist teachers in preparing their students to write effectively in all contexts, including the Georgia Grade Five Writing Assessment. Teachers are encouraged to make optimal instructional use of the information in this guide by creating transparencies and handouts for students. The guide includes a revising/editing checklist; a sample of the student test materials; and developmental stage scoring guidelines. The Developmental Stage Scoring Guidelines and model papers in the guide allow teachers and students to identify both strong and weak elements in writing samples. The Georgia Grade Five Writing Assessment is a test of narrative writing. It explains how to establish and effective writing program. Sections in the guide are: Introduction; Foundations; Writing Instruction; Scoring; and Student Portfolio Writing Samples and Annotations. Contains a 37-item glossary and a list of 55 recommended readings. (PM)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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