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Autor/inBlack, Narda C.
TitelLearning about Newspapers.
Quelle(2001), (165 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Cooperative Learning; Curriculum Development; Grade 5; Inquiry; Intermediate Grades; Newspapers; Social Studies; Student Publications
AbstractThis comprehensive social studies curriculum unit for fifth grade has three areas of concentration: (1) the history of the newspaper industry, including historical dates and figures and analysis of how the newspaper industry has influenced and shaped the history of the United States; (2) the functions and responsibilities of the departments and roles within a large newspaper corporation, including an in-depth look at how the departments coordinate to produce a daily newspaper product; and (3) a how-to, hands-on section detailing how to produce a class newspaper, incorporating and scaffolding the information learned in the two previous sections. This curriculum unit contains the following chapters: (1) "Unit Overview"; (2) "Rationale"; (3) "Unit Contents"; (4) "Content Analysis" ("Goals,""Generalizations,""Concepts,""Concept Map," and "Facts"); (5) "Michigan Social Studies Standards and Benchmarks"; (6) "Lesson Plans" ("Comics and Cartooning,""The Black Press,""Newspaper Advertising,""Newspaper Reporting,""Information in the Community," and "The Landry News"); (7) "Culminating Experience: Creating a Class Newspaper"; and (8) "Bibliography." (Contains 18 references.) (BT)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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