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Autor/inGreenman, Jim
InstitutionBright Horizons Family Solutions, Inc., Watertown, MA.
TitelWhat Happened to the World? Helping Children Cope in Turbulent Times. Facilitator's Guide [and Student's Guide].
Quelle(2001), (153 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Leitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Adolescents; Adult Child Relationship; Age Differences; Anger; Anxiety; Caregiver Child Relationship; Childhood Needs; Children; Coping; Emotional Adjustment; Family Programs; Fear; Individual Differences; Leaders Guides; Parent Child Relationship; Terrorism
AbstractIn response to the September 11th, 2001 terrorists attacks, "Comfort for Kids" was formed as a collaborative effort to provide support and resources to children and families directly affected. This facilitator's guide and student's guide represent one part of the three-pronged approach of the "Comfort for Kids" program. The facilitator's guide contains guidelines for facilitating sessions to help parents, professionals, and volunteers working with children develop strategies for supporting children in a crisis. The session provides an opportunity to bring adults together in an open forum, where they can share insights, comments, and questions about the reactions and behavior they are witnessing in the children for whom they care. The guide is a comprehensive package for a 60- to 90-minute session and contains checklists of necessary materials and equipment, presentation scripts and key points to cover, optional approaches to the session, facilitation tips and techniques, a sample of potential questions from workshop participants, key points at a glance, and reproducible overheads and handouts. Topics for the workshop discussion include children's reactions to traumatic events, language for responding to children's reactions and questions, ways to promote tolerance and respect for diversity, and resources for future use. The student's guide addresses the fear, anxiety, anger, and issues of tolerance that children may face in the wake of the September 11th attacks and the enduring military effort. It also records adults' reactions to trauma, the timing and intensity of feelings, and the behavior changes that follow. Focusing on the importance of identifying one's own reactions and finding ways to care for oneself in order to care for children are also covered. The student's guide concludes with a list of Web sites and print resources related to children and stress, international issues and relief, war and terrorism, and respect for diversity. (KB)
AnmerkungenGryphon House, Inc., P.O. Box 207, Beltsville, MD 20704 (Facilitator's guide, $4; Student's guide, $4). Tel: 800-638-0928 (Toll Free); Tel: 301-595-9500; Fax: 301-595-0051; Web site: For full text:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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