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Autor/UrheberPetra Daryai-Hansen; Sonja Barfod; Susanne Hvidtfeldt
InstitutionUniversidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
TitelÜberwindbare Barrieren. Berufsorientierter Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Fehmarnbeltregion.
QuelleIn: 1133-1127; 2340-8561; Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos, Vol 19 (2013)(2013)
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Sprachedeutsch; englisch; spanisch; französisch
Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
Schlagwörtervocational language teaching; German; Danish; intercultural competences; Fehmarn Belt region; P101-410
AbstractThe paper presents an e-learning package designed to support vocational language teaching in the Fehmarn Belt region, developed as part of two research projects at Roskilde University, the project Den Mentale Bro (The Mental Bridge) and the BeltScience project. The Fehmarn Belt region extends, in a broad definition, over northern Germany, the eastern part of Denmark and southern Sweden. Since 2009, Roskilde University has conducted research projects that aim to strengthen German-Danish regional cooperation in the region. The article presents the theoretical foundations of the e-learning package, its contents and methods, and describes the practical experience of its use. The e-learning package was developed on the basis of a needs analysis and in collaboration with local stakeholders. It consists of two modules: a language module that promotes vocational language skills, and a culture module that strengthens German-Danish intercultural skills. The package was developed in a German-Danish context, but its concepts of learning could also be applied to the acquisition of other languages.
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