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Autor/inn/enIvie, Rachel; Stowe, Katie
InstitutionAmerican Inst. of Physics, College Park, MD. Education and Employment Statistics Div.
TitelWomen in Physics, 2000. AIP Report.
[Report No.: AIP-R-430
Quelle(2000), (18 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Females; Higher Education; Physics; Tables (Data); Teacher Salaries; Women Faculty; Womens Education
AbstractThis report describes how the representation of women in physics has changed, presenting data comparing the representation of women in physics to the representation of women in other fields and in academics overall. Highlights include: an increasingly large number of girls have some exposure to physics by taking it in high school; women's participation in physics decreases with each step in the academic ladder; although women now earn more than half of all bachelor's degrees, physics is not attracting women as quickly as other fields; compared to other fields, women are underrepresented in physics at both the bachelor's and Ph.D. levels; the proportion of women teaching physics decreases as academic rank and departmental level increases; salary differences between male and female members of the American Institute of Physics' member societies are virtually nonexistent; and observers have various explanations for women's poor representation in physics, but many explanations do not hold up in light of available data, and it is possible that many women still experience subtle discrimination leading them away from physics, choosing careers that are less clearly linked to physics. (Contains 20 references.) (SM)
AnmerkungenAmerican Institute of Physics, One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740-3843. Tel: 301-209-3070. E-mail: For full text:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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