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Autor/inWoodruff, Jennifer E.
TitelVoices of Change: Women's Experiences at Lake Forest College, 1955-1975.
Quelle(2000), (127 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Athletics; Civil Rights; College Faculty; College Students; Equal Education; Females; Higher Education; Sex Discrimination; Social Change; Student Rights; Womens Education
AbstractThis study examines the experiences of women at Lake Forest College, Illinois, from 1955-75 through questionnaires sent to women alumni and present and past faculty and staff requesting information on demographics, academic/extracurricular activities, campus life, social and political change, career expectations, and attitudes. Chapter 1 sketches the general history of Lake Forest College. Chapter 2 describes the years from 1955-65, a generally very conservative period with rules governing many aspects of women's lives. Things began to change at the end of this period, as the campus reacted to the Cuban Missile Crisis, President Kennedy's assassination, the gathering momentum of the civil rights movement, enrollment of liberal students from the East, and the Vietnam War. Chapter 3 examines the years between 1965-75, a key period during which the campus experienced drastic changes sparked by national movements. The civil rights movement expanded, the Vietnam War escalated, the peace movement began, and the women's movement emerged. Women struggled to change their lives, abolishing dress codes and dorm rules, fighting for education about and the right to have birth control and abortions, and pushing for equality in athletics. Appended are a list of questionnaire respondents and the survey instrument. (Contains 218 references.) (SM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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