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Autor/inScott, Laron A.
TitelTeacher Self-Efficacy with Teaching Students to Lead IEP Meetings: A Correlation Study on Administrator Support
QuelleIn: Journal on Educational Psychology, 5 (2012) 3, S.9-20 (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterCorrelation; Special Education Teachers; Self Efficacy; Task Analysis; Statistical Analysis; Disabilities; Secondary School Teachers; High School Students; Individualized Education Programs; Questionnaires; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Administrator Relationship; Social Change; Self Determination; Meetings; Student Attitudes; Student Participation; Measures (Individuals)
AbstractSelf-efficacy has been closely linked to teacher performance of instructional tasks. Previous studies on teacher self-efficacy focused on general activities and were less specific regarding special education teachers' perceived ability to perform a given task. The purpose of this quantitative correlation study was to evaluate high school special education teachers' self-efficacy with teaching students with disabilities the skills they need to lead their IEP meetings. The research question addressed the relationship between a high school special education teacher's support from administration, and the level of the teacher's self-efficacy with respect to teaching students with disabilities the skills they need to lead their IEP meetings. A sample of 84 high school special education teachers completed the Teacher Survey of Student Involvement in IEP Meetings Questionnaire (TSSIIMQ). A two-sample t-test, was performed on the participants' responses. The results showed that special education teachers' support from administration was statistically significantly correlated with their levels of self-efficacy. This study had significant implications for social change by suggesting that a higher level of teacher self-efficacy may lead to an increase in preparing students who are self-determined advocates involved in leading their IEP meetings. (As Provided).
Anmerkungeni-manager Publications. 3-343 Hill View, Town Railway Nagar, Nagercoil 629001, Tamil Nadu, India. Tel: +91-4652-276675; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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