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Autor/inn/enLie, Anita; Tamah, Siti Mina; Gozali, Imelda
TitelThe Impact of a Teacher Professional Education Program on English Language Use
QuelleIn: TESL-EJ, 25 (2022) 4, (17 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Lie, Anita)
ORCID (Tamah, Siti Mina)
ORCID (Gozali, Imelda)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; English (Second Language); Language Proficiency; Language of Instruction; Teacher Certification; Program Effectiveness; Blended Learning; Teacher Education; Language Teachers; Second Language Instruction; Secondary School Teachers; Indonesia
AbstractIn 2018 the Indonesian Ministry of Education established a teacher certification program via a blended learning platform in partnership with teacher colleges. The program engages teacher-participants in online learning, face-to-face workshops on a designated campus, classroom action research and teaching practices. This study aims at exploring the impact of the certification on the teachers' use of English in their teaching. The researchers conducted a survey and a proficiency assessment of these English teachers. The ninety teachers of English in this study demonstrated various levels of English proficiency. Then the researcher selected these teachers based on their scores, interviewed them, and observed their teaching. This study found that teachers' participation in the certification program brought about different levels of changes in their use of English. While the immediate impact of the certification program on the English teachers' language use was not clearly evident, some teachers showed renewed commitment to use English after several months had passed. Results of this study have yielded implications that English teachers' sufficient proficiency is not a given capital at the beginning of teacher service. Thus, a serious collaboration among English teacher colleges, the Ministry of Education, the school stakeholders, and the professional learning communities is required to drive teachers of English to engage in their professional development continuously. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenTESL-EJ. e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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