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Autor/inGrammes, Tilman
TitelCurrent Trends and Topics in U.S. citizenship, law-related and economic education. Report from the National Council of the Social Studies 90th Annual Conference 2010.
QuelleIn: Journal of social science education, 10 (2011) 1, S. 81-97Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1439-6246; 1618-5293; 1628-5293
SchlagwörterStaatsbürgerliche Erziehung; Fachzeitschrift; Bildungspolitik; Curriculum; Schulbuch; Fachdidaktik; Politische Bildung; Staatsbürgerschaft; Pädagogischer Kongress; Fachverband; Colorado (Staat); Denver; USA
AbstractThe National Council of the Social Studies (NCSS) serves as one of the world's largest professional communities. The 90th annual congress 2010 took place at Mile High City in Denver/Colorado. What is going on in U.S. civics, law-related and economics education? The following congress report presents an overview on educational policy, research and curriculum projects, to facilitate the reader outside the U.S. a quick information about the state-of-the-art (Original übernommen).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main (extern)
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